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Business Solutions available for Immediate Launch and Use. 

XavexPay is an advanced Payments Solution for Businesses


Business Solution for Payments

XavexPay is an advanced Payments Solution for Businesses (SMEs or Enterprises) to accept Card Payments over any of the Payments Gateways. There are multiple Business specific use cases built in, which are easily configurable and allow to Integrate with any Business Order management system.

SSO Bridge

Connecting Identities as Single Sign On

SSO Bridge is solution based on Open Source Technologies to configure  SSO between Multiple Systems in an Organization in a cost effective and quick way. 

Invoice Bridge

Invoice Generation as a Service​

Business Solutions is a Secure Micro Service available in – Ready to Use (or) Readily Deployable Modes  – a  Software offering Online Payments Capability for a variety of Business Use Cases.

we also work on ....

Microservices - Your Solution as a Collection

Building Microservices based solutions for your business – either a Web based Portal or a Business functionality with no UI or a Business Rules Engines (BRMs) based solution implementing Rules and hosted on Cloud and secured using SSO or other Auth mechanisms. 

Integrate Microservices on Cloud with OnPremise

Migrating existing Applications which are on-Premise or on Legacy technologies, into a fully Microservices based Architecture as atomic functionality driven desparate services interacting with each other via APIs, and secured using Key exchange based solutions. 

Specialist to Build and Migrate into MicroServices

Leverage our expertise to get faster development churn, time to market and more importantly achieve agility.  Reach out to us to find the art of the possible.